I’m a bored millionaire with several million dollars and I’m looking to share the wealth with startups and entrepreneurs. I have some multi-million dollar projects nearly funded and I want teams of like-minded people to help me run them. I cannot go to the next level alone.

Are you a motivated entrepreneur who just needs some guidance? Do you want to become a rich entrepreneur?  Did you know that you can create a very nice monthly cash flow in under three years, without becoming a millionaire, but creating a cash flow that exceeds a normal pension payment?

Do you want to make another $10,000 or $100,000 this year? I will show you how I made this type of money and retired in ten years. (I’m not really retired, just moving to new projects). About 18 months before I earned my first million dollars, I almost couldn’t pay the rent, and within 18 months I was able to approach my first million dollars in gross sales.  I duplicated these results many times over, each time improving my strategies until I was able to retire and move onto a new project. I say “retire”, but all that means is that I now have enough money as a millionaire to choose my next project and develop it at my own pace.  I don’t think I’ll ever really retire, that might be sinful.

I used to hire college students, but that won’t work at this level. This is how I’m qualifying my teams now. I have about 25 renewable energy projects with possibly 250 partially complete business plans. Each needs about $250,000 to $10,000,000 of capital to launch, but first I need the right team players.

Have you been reading other offers for “work at home moms” and for “business opportunities”?  Most if not all of these are ads for either MLM or sales opportunities to work for other entrepreneurs.  What I’m talking about here is creating your own business, I don’t know what that is, I have some plans that you can use, or we can work together to develop what you already have in mind.  But my purpose here is to help you get into your own business, then you can hire people if you need to, but it will be your own business that you can scale up or manage however you want.

I have reviewed some of these other services that provide business coaching, they look really promising and some are really inexpensive.  Mine is a bit different, it’s a little more money than most but it’s real, no theories.  I’m going to show you how you can do what I did, and create your own business. I’m not looking for people to work for me in my “downline”.  I don’t have a downline.

I’ll give you an example of one client.  He was referred to me by another client and was already working for the county doing road work.  He desperately wanted to get into his own business but had never tried it before and didn’t think he knew what type of business to get into, so he and I reviewed his skill-set.  He was a road worker, okay, nothing special there.  So I asked if he knew which suppliers provided the county with equipment and personnel, because not every worker is a county employee.  That’s when he lit up, and so much information flooded out of his brain

We started making notes and before we finished the list, he already discovered for himself where he could operate a business with low entry start-up capital and become a supplier for the county road crew.  It’s not always a magical and rosy path from the vision to actually being in that business, it took him some work, but we finally arrived at a point where he was in business for himself and already bidding for jobs with his own employees.  Because he already knew people, he had an advantage in getting involved in wherever new budgets were being written and new suppliers needed.

I’ve organized well over 1,000 businesses, some of which were existing businesses that simply needed to be “re-organized” as I call it.  Much of the time these owners were referred to me because they had too much debt and could not manage it, so what I  usually did was re-organize the business structure so that it would make a profit and not be held back by old debts.  This allowed the business to avoid bankruptcy and resume making money within a few months.

Many of these people I never met in person, but in the early days of the mid-nineties, I would travel to the client’s location and stay there for at least a few days to get everything established.  That was before the Internet so now it’s much easier, but I still meet with some clients who happen to be in town.

If you are not making enough money right now, or you just want to make more money and possibly make your own rules or set your own hours, as some people say, becoming an entrepreneur is how you do it.  This is how it’s been done for thousands of years.  I’ve done it, I’ve made lots of money doing it and it’s what you’ve heard.  I want to show you how I did it, and how you can avoid re-inventing the wheel and begin making money in a short time.

Is this for you?

When I decided to make this offer, I was thinking about people who realize that they are going to need to supplement their pension funds, and people who don’t like working part time or who aren’t being paid what they are worth.  Many of the people who appreciate this are single moms, they want to work at home and make decent money.  They include people who were “downsized” and aren’t making the money they are worth, or people who just need to earn more because their pensions aren’t making ends meet, and they want a quick way get started making money in a small, home based business.

In order to qualify, you can take my 180 day program and then stop there if you want. You will make a lot of money at this level and you can even scale up on your own. We can discuss partnerships at that level, but let’s review the program first.

I’ve come to call this my “entry level program” and I’m making it available only to another 20 or 30 people. Yeah, it’s an arbitrary number but it’s my best estimate of how much more I can manage and still get the job done for each of my clients.

I’ve listed the types of things we’ll be doing, they are not in order of course, but I wanted you to know the core elements of what will make you succeed, things that most entrepreneurs never discover until failing once or twice.

Follow Me” Basic Business Profile:

A non-disclosure/non-compete agreement that protects you

How to start generating cash flow in 90 days

Design a business presence with website, phone service and payment processing

Brand development, branding/licensing versus exclusivity

What business structure to use

How to identify the product or service from my 20 ideas, or develop your own

How to determine your demographic

My best trade secrets and suppliers that make it happen

Determine demographics for marketing

Develop operations budget and marketing plan

Develop working business plan, and 1 year, 3 year and 5 year plans

How to succeed using a balance sheet and income statement

How to allocate windfalls and cash flow

How to manage risk from third parties, lawsuits, regulators, etc.

How to delegate important functions of your business

Types of financing, including crowd funding and peer-to-peer lending

Co-branding and joint-ventures, other people’s money and resources

The important of intellectual capital

Deferred Taxes and Accounting Practices

Business brokers / financing

Investing as an Entrepreneur (instead of the stock market)

Real Estate Investing (e.g. commercial, wholesaling and tax lien portfolios)

Estate Planners

Asset Protection Strategies (e.g. life insurance and infinite banking)

There are important reasons that, no matter what business idea we are developing, you understand a little about real estate investing. It will dramatically help your bottom line, manage risk and gauge the success of your business. You will learn concepts such as internal rate of return (IRR) and the “net present value” of cash flows.

We will spend some time evaluating each of these ideas or topics to determine which may best suit your interests and abilities. Remember that even if you don’t have a business idea and are not ready to launch, we can establish your business structure now and if you change your mind later, you can sell the business structure as it usually increases in value by about $1,000 a year. In fact, if you only did this one step, set up a corporation and then sell it, you could generate thousands of dollars a month just doing this one idea.

You will want to register a limited liability company and the easiest way to go is to just register one in your state, unless it’s California or Nevada because the fees are unreasonable. The best jurisdiction is New Mexico, you pay only one fee the first time you register and there are no annual fees.

The money you receive will be paid to this LLC and you will want to pass it through to an S-Corporation and have your accounting done for the S-Corporation only. There are other options and we can discuss these as we progress. You will not need the LLC to file any returns or pay taxes as those will be paid by the S-Corporation with favorable tax treatment. This is your basic structure. There are other ones but you’re going to be in good shape by doing it this way. Choose an accounting service that can assist you with the S-Corporation and you can register the LLC yourself.

There are 20 individual categories of business descriptions in this program, any one of which can earn you anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on how you scale it. I’ve chosen these because they can be scaled or grown to produce as much money as you can imagine and even with other people building upon these same plans, and competing with you, chances are it won’t be in your market or in your niche. I will have to recommend that you read “The 4-Hour Work Week” written by Timothy Ferriss. I don’t get anything from endorsing this book, but it was written after I had already proven that you can work four hours a week and make millions of dollars. This author has described it correctly, I can assure you.

Together we will develop a business plan for one of these topics you choose, or for one that you have discovered on your own. We will develop a plan that can be implemented for the short term and longer time, up to five years.

Many people think of having their own business as if they are going to make a few hundred dollars once in a while, and keep their day jobs. I think you should keep your day job, but I think you should also expect to make six figures with your new home business, until one day you can sell it for several million dollars and build another one, or buy the company for which you now work (or a piece of it), and maybe fire your boss… or not.

None of these opportunities require licensing or any large amounts of capital to get started. You don’t need partners or attorneys to get started; however, at some point, when you are ready to implement the 4-hour work week, you may need to be sharing the wealth. Remember this, sharing the wealth means you make more money, and not sharing the wealth means you make less money.

MY “Renewable Energy and Sustainable Practices” PROGRAM WORKS LIKE THIS:

This project is an association of investors and entrepreneurs within a qualified membership. It is an open source collaboration forum that includes marketing research; intellectual property exchange; business data repository; brand development instead of patents; business resources including planning, legal and administrative services.

We want to specialize in the development of emerging markets with humanitarian objectives through profitable businesses. We want to dramatically improve living conditions and life styles in emerging markets, replacing the unsustainable with renewable and sustainable materials, equipment, systems and methods. We want to set the example of how to disrupt monopolies of energy, fabrication, transportation, construction, resource management, farming and agriculture and education.

This project is not a registered company and it has never been involved in any business activities, aside from research, this is new. You are not investing any money with us, or any other organization at this time, and any investments you eventually make are in your own company and made at your option.

This is an association of people, investors and entrepreneurs with resources, talents and a passion for defying and replacing the monopolistic and wasteful energy, construction and resource production we inherited with sustainable, decentralized systems that serve the local communities. We are providing a forum through which members can freely access and exchange business plans, ideas, resources, intellectual property and information about projects that would be considered humanitarian and in the renewable energy sector (not necessarily “free” energy).

We have access to law firms, accountants, offices, personnel, banking and related services in several countries that can help, and some of these will be involved when it comes time to get involved in the real projects and ventures. An example would be, you establish a business structure and then fund your business to buy assets.

You can also join teams of other people in forming your corporation. Have your audit report completed by an accounting firm that does this, and deliver to our group. Your corporation will then be given access to the trade secrets, information, resources, and plans that are made available in this program. You will also be able to submit your own plans for funding. You will be also able to take advantage of our developing resources. Most of us will be using an International Business Corporation and in some cases, it will involve a local corporation that is resident in the country where the project is funded.

We have about 25 projects in the planning stages at this time, and we have the resources to launch quickly, including offices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Atlanta and New York, attorneys and law firms in each location with resources to assist our members in establishing business structures needed for each project. All of our projects are joint ventures involving matching funds. We do not believe in a hierarchical system where your money buys stock and you sit and wait and hope that someday it pays. We believe that the investors should be involved in the projects and that morality and planning for the future are important elements in assessing whether or not to get into a project.

Our core plan is to create a modern city model and license out different aspects of it around the world, especially in emerging markets. We believe that residential homes should be the source for energy, food and water production and that the electrical grid should be managed under license extended by the people to various organizations (the opposite of what we have been doing).

We believe in old technology and low technology (old tech-low tech) and even no technology where it is appropriate, but we also believe that all people should live in luxury and abundance. And we also can’t wait for the next greatest “smart phone type” idea.

We also believe that the future of individual transportation ranges from walking because of good city design, to bicycling and any electric based vehicle (battery or fuel cell). We believe that people should use cars for city travel but not be burdened with owning them. This model will dramatically reduce wasted materials and resources.

Once your organization is approved as a member, you will be able to join us in a series of half-day conferences on board a chartered yacht. Most of our business will have been completed by then, so the purpose of the conferences is to have a good time and talk face-to-face with other participants.

Your organization will be given access to trade secrets, business plans, and information about new inventions, some of which are not yet in production. Only corporations can qualify. You can begin forming your business at any time, before or after your windfall, we can help you meet all of the requirements. This must be a tax deferred structure so that the assets will be purchased with pre-tax money. The assets for this qualifying segment are not the assets in which we will eventually be investing. These are assets such as precious metals and Bitcoin that are considered liquid, easily sold for cash and easily transferred. These are also assets that can be moved across borders without risk of confiscation.

Much of this information is already published as part of the program and we’ll review it during your participation.  Call or send me an email, John Jay Singleton, 352-342-1545 or