Crypto Currency Your Money


In the late nineties I began “re-organizing” assets and income for people and small businesses having both large debt and large windfall situations. Referring to myself as “I”, is just for convenience, and many of you know my organization as Singleton Press, PMA (a private membership association). These strategies were part of various solutions that allowed people to protect what they had and prevent future losses from unfair collections while they were able to scale up the income of their businesses and investments. I’ve been organizing structures inside the United States (including what we believe to be the fifty states) in a way that legally avoids not only tax consequences, but attachments resulting from tax and judgment lien levies against income, real estate and cash in the bank. The many versions of these structures I’ve referred to as “Bullet Proof Banking”, all registered within the United States. In spite of new laws and banking policies that act as if we are involved in money laundering or some kind of trafficking, when in fact it is the banking system that is involved in these very crimes, these strategies are absolutely sufficient to accomplish the objectives intended for the benefit of each of our members. These strategies have withstood all of the new statutes, including even the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act and even the new banking policies that we now know as “Know Your Customer (KYC)” and “Anti-Money Laundering (AML) or The Bullet Proof Banking strategies continue to protect people against these draconian policies and statutes; however, if you want to get into securities, developing land, business credit, trades, professions, brick & mortar businesses and raising capital, it becomes a little arduous.

Many of our resources have been shared with members so that they could begin or develop a business or new source of income. Some of our members just needed to supplement a pension because their investments were raided by the IRS, and some of our members simply wanted to start a new venture or expand into new market niches. Over the years we’ve developed business plans, resources and shared suppliers and some trade secrets, when not restricted, for the purpose of helping people and small businesses succeed.

My purpose in writing this article is to show you how to become a national and change your own political affiliation so that you can have real access to your money and the assets that enrich your lives and allow you to advance technology for the benefit of people and of course, profit.

If you reside in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India or Belgium, we can use the PMA along with the limited partnership or a limited liability company to get the same or very similar results as we have in the states.

I want to introduce each of you, and new members, to a very real opportunity to further support what we’ve accomplished over the years, and to enable those of you who wish to gain the most from possibly tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars realized from investing in crypto-graphic currency. You will want to manage your new assets completely beyond the purview of state and federal taxation and regulatory impediments, including the securities statutes and unjust financial crimes presumptions. The most certain way to do this is to change your affiliation and national status and the following article is the real deal.

A Brief History

Over the last twenty years I’ve been observing the re-establishment of a nation (our nation). I did not realize until recently that I had been witnessing the emergence of a nation that had been marginalized since the thirteen American colonies became states. The United States of America was created under The Articles of Confederation in 1781, with the final adoption by the State of Maryland on March 1, 1781.

I remember in school, and I attended public school in the seventies and eighties, the false history that the U.S. Constitution was amended and replaced the Articles of Confederation for a stronger central government. This of course was a lie since a quorum to amend the Articles was never reached. Instead, people who were not in public office at the time, formed a franchise of the East India Trading Company, giving it the name “United States”, its charter being the U.S. Constitution. This company (not country) adopted the standard trademark of the East India Trading Company, a symbol we have come to know as the American flag, the “red, white and blue”.

This fact seems so outrageous that most people will not believe it, but the research will establish, without question, that the United States is nothing but a corporation, by its own admission in case law, historical documents and its by-laws (the United States Code). The United States is not a government, it’s nothing more than a collection of thousands of private membership associations (PMAs). This includes the so-called courts, sheriff, police, “government” agencies, departments, and every city, town and county is its own private company, privately held by private interests. The voting system is a sham, none of the so-called elected office holders are ever elected by the voters, they are appointed by the same people in those private membership associations.

If we dare speak of these facts openly, those running this racket may label us a “sovereign citizen”, another word for “domestic terrorist”, and thereby a possible death sentence at any routine traffic stop. Labeling someone a “sovereign citizen” is nothing but a death threat and at least one human rights violation (e.g. forced affiliation).

In addition to this, these very cities have been captured by other private organizations that are now perpetuating the ideas of “sustainable” or “strong” or “resilient” cities. This is code for a communist dictatorship under a foreign monarch, known as the Pope. And because people don’t usually think critically these days and lack the ability or willingness to research anything for themselves, they will not understand what is intended here. We can see some of the results of these plans by observing that we are under total and perpetual surveillance and under the attack of military weapons systems, including but not limited to microwave towers, Wi-Fi routers everywhere and SMART meters.

Why has this happened you may ask? It’s nothing new, you can see this has been happening for over a thousand years, it’s described in Book I of the Law of Nations. The secret societies were in a position to monopolize our government for their own commercial gains, namely, it was the Free Masons, operating through the Vatican (Pope), The King of The Netherlands and The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and the university system in the United States, the most prominent ones being Georgetown and George Washington Universities. Georgetown University, the trade name of Georgetown College, is literally the seat of government for the District of Columbia.

The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution do not involve people living today. These documents are not the source of peoples’ rights or protecting the rights of any people. This entire system is operating under the Law of Nations and most of what is taking place is in violation of the Law of Nations and in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Please search these two terms on the Internet with the term “PDF” to obtain free copies and begin reading for yourself. Is it any wonder that we were never introduced to these bodies of law? It’s time we begin to learn.

Identifying the Problem

You’re going to have to give yourself some more time to discover the supporting facts of this saga, it’s too much information to get into for this short article, and I only wanted to introduce you to a solution to many of the problems you are experiencing. Let’s consider some of the major ones

1) human trafficking and trafficking of persons

2) compulsory public schools intruding into our families (surveillance, vaccinations)

3) family courts and government agencies intruding into our families,

4) having to take on long-term debt just to get the basic needs for living,

5) being tricked into taking on long term debt for a fake education,

6) state and federal taxes and regulations,

7) everyone is a suspect in money laundering and domestic terrorism

8) perpetual and intrusive surveillance

9) being taxed by foreign agents (“judges”) for the exercise of intangible property rights

10) being excluded from society because of your credit rating

The list is quite lengthy but these are the most important items that can be eliminated by correcting your legal status. I’m going to explain what is meant by this term.

Since you were assigned a social security number and since you assigned your children a social security number, each of you have been trafficked out of your home state, one of the States of the Union (The United States of America), and thereby denied any national status. You have never signed a social compact and joined a political party (today’s so-called political parties are nothing but “527” organizations under 26 U.S.C. §527, not political parties). True political parties are not registered with any government agency. The Democrats and Republicans are not political parties, they are tax exempt organizations.

Your “person” has been trafficked out of the state in which you were born and into the United States as the property or surety of the debts for one or more internal revenue trusts situated in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Common Wealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the American Samoa or some other federal territory. This made you a resident alien and an enemy of the state in which you live. Since then you have been living as an enemy of the state and described as such under The Trading With the Enemy Act as amended on March 6th 1933 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (see Title 5 U.S.C. §552(a) “Government Reorganization Plan)

This is why your children can be taken, why your votes don’t count, why you are censored and under surveillance and the reason why you are being taxed and regulated out of existence. This structure has prevented good people from consolidating capital that was intended for the benefit of people, such as to advance certain technologies. Whenever the banking system sees that someone is consolidating capital, the money and property is seized and the Securities and Exchange Commission, or the IRS or Financial Crimes Network (FINCEN) gets involved. The victims naively ask attorneys for help and the attorneys, who are working for this system and against people, take the matter into bankruptcy court and the property is then stolen by the very people who are preventing the consolidation of capital. It’s not only about taking your money, it’s about preventing you from having money or resources, at whatever cost is needed.


Are you really tired of this system? Here’s why you are being abused, because you don’t have a nation, you are a citizen of a corporation, you have no country, no political affiliation. The remedy is to change your affiliation and become a national, specifically, an American National, join your State Assembly, take a real oath and sign a compact with people in your nation. Once you’ve done these basic things, you will have removed yourself from the U.S. system of taxation, regulation, abuse and exploitation.

The first step is to declare your residency. First, using your home address, you obtain the latitude and longitude for your home address at and then convert these coordinates into the natural area code (NAC) using The NAC coordinates will look like a series of capital letters and numbers. The postal system will deliver mail to this address, even though you may encounter some resistance or interference, all existing postal systems use the same software which does include the NAC database. This has been adopted by the Universal Postal Union around the world. Send yourself some post cards with this address until you begin receiving them on a regular basis. This will be the first step to getting you out of the U.S. jurisdiction. Before you begin, please have patience, realize this takes time, and be sure to watch and take notes from the 103rd Broadcast of the T-ROH Show.

Once you have this information, visit the website for The United States of America at The first thing you’ll want to do is the declaration of residency from the link on the main site:


Use the name that appears on your birth certificate, and it will result in your legal name being published, and your trafficked person will be returned to the state. The bonds will then collapse, and you’ll want to order the service to take the oaths and that is a 90-120 day process of collecting records. Once that is done, you can take the oaths and then you can get your passport and give up your state driver license and vehicle registration in exchange for the only real identifying records that will not be used to traffic your person or tax you or hold you as a surety. You will then be able to register your car in The United States of America (States of the Union) and export your land (home) into the States of the Union.

You will also want to join the American National Union once you register the existence of your name as a business, such as a limited liability company or a private membership association (PMA). This is the main website, and there are unions for every trade and profession. Join the discussions and please take time to learn more about the PMA at As a quick example, your family is a private membership association and no government or police power has any authority to intrude into your PMA unless it is engaged in acts considered to be substantively evil. Knowledge of this one item alone would be enough to stop most of the family court abuses.

Mothers and fathers don’t realize that the term “neglect” is being used in these family court proceedings without any set of facts, nor any set of facts established with evidence of any kind. Moreover, the set of facts that is not disclosed, involves the presumption that you are involved in money laundering. Yes, family court accusations of “neglect” involve the judges taking silent judicial notice of the mother and father being involve in money laundering. This is why no matter what your argue, it will have no effect on whatever the court want to do with your children, and your attorney is helping the court and the state. You will discover how this is done as you begin to learn more about what I’m explaining in this article.

You’ll want to begin learning about the Bank of North America and the Continental Dollar (UCD) and the Continental Public Bank at This bank is approximately 240 years old and its currency is pegged to silver bullion in a 1 to 1 ratio, that is, 1 UCD : 1 oz. Ag bullion.

The pension program of The United States of America can also replace your U.S. based social security pension, you will have to research to learn more about this. Once an American National, you can join its military and run for public office, a real public office where the voters’ votes really do result in a real office holder being elected to serve the people.

You should also know that the United States exists in grid system of approximately 500 rectangular regions, not the fifty states we were told in school. This is a survey or map of your current residency.

On the other hand, The United States of America includes all of the 50 states with which we are so familiar.

Becoming an American National is not intended to solve your tax or court problems. If you decide to become an American National, you will want to do it for the purpose of changing your affiliations and enjoying the benefits of being part of a nation, and not for the purpose of solving problems related to a debt collection or court process.

Having the American National status will end your own human trafficking and the trafficking of your person and free up your access to money and the enjoyment of property. It will remove your person from the purview of the United States and all of its agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, IRS, state agencies, etc. You will have new obligations, but they will be fair and lead to your prosperity.

You will certainly want to re-mediate yourself to compensate for all of the propaganda you’ve been surrounded with for an entire life-time. Please watch/listen to The T-ROH Show by searching the channel “The Government of The United States of America” and the phrase “The nth Broadast of The T-ROH Show” and replace “nth” with “first”, “second”, “third”, “fourth”, etcetera. There are over two years of weekly T-ROH shows and you will want to hear all of them, from the first to the last.


Imagine organizing your investment company or business outside of the United States, and within The United States of America. Once you become an American National sign the social compact, take your oath and join your State Assembly, you may conduct your business and lawfully managing your investments in The United States of America and outside the United States while avoiding all of its unjust taxes and regulations. This fact alone may be a decision maker for many of you, but as you learn more about this, you will discover many more reasons to change (or correct/restore) your affiliation.


John Jay Singleton

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