There are many ways to generate energy outside of the standard energy/electrical grid. This presentation is limited to one device but provides a list of examples as to how it can be used in a business and investment model. I’ve chosen the “Green Steam”, Steam Engine as a means of producing energy on a community scale.
The reason I chose this is because it’s already in production. It was not in production when I first began studying it so this is really good news and unusual from what I’ve seen for similar devices in recent years. Please take a moment to review the manufacturer’s website:
The basics of the invention is that it’s an axial piston fluid engine having single-acting cylinders incorporating swivel-joint attachment of the cylinders to rotary control valves wherein straight-line piston movement is established for the elimination of side forces on the pistons. The pistons and the control valves are connected to a common wobble drive member and arranged in geometry of lever positions to co-actively time the drive fluid into and out of the cylinders intermittently.
A basic mid-size engine could start at a suggested price of $499. to $1500. depending on the size. Added accessories could fill out a complete system that could sell for between $2500. to $10,000. depending on the size. The accessory package could include a generator, a water distiller, an inverter, a battery, a pump, a boiler and a choice of burners that use different fuels. A steam engine electrical generating system is exactly the same as a windmill system, therefore, no new technology needs to be developed for that part of the system. Boilers are very old well established products. However, new, small boilers dedicated to steam engine technology will need enhanced designing and updating. Simple and inexpensive boilers are prolific on Youtube and the Internet.
The steam engine can be assembled by people with little training. We can use this example for a business plan in order to prepare some of the elements of the plan for our purposes, and notice that the example plan involves the assembly of a renewable energy device. We just have a different one.
The system I’m wanting to build includes a boiler and a solar concentrator such as a Fresnel Lens mounted in a frame that tracks the sun with a heliotrope. The heat can be absorbed into a heat exchanger to produce hot water and pressured guided into the boiler. The heat can be regulated enough to produce heat energy to power the steam engine and generate electricity and hot water.
Cash flow could come from leasing the apparatus to communities and maintenance agreements. One very possible parts supplier is who can deliver items we need in high volume/low cost. We will need a marketing plan to go with a completed business plan, and we should decide on financing at some point. Maybe we can put the cash up front, but it’s still a good idea to obtain financing.
A Green Steam Engine system can offset the electrical and heating needs (reduce the load) of a small community, business, or small group of homes, such as in groups of 4 or 6 for each system. This system can also produce hydrogen for energy storage to be used during periods where there is little or no sunlight.