Comm. by John Jay Singleton Chasseur was a Baltimore Clipper commanded by Captain Thomas Boyle, an American privateer. She sailed from Fells Point in Baltimore, where she had been launched from Thomas Kemp‘s shipyard in 1812.[1] On his first voyage as master of Chasseur in 1814, Boyle unexpectedly sailed east, directly to the British Isles, where he harassed the British merchant fleet. Boyle sent a […]
This article is supplementary to my chapter in The 7 Year Mortgage and Debt Free College Degree published earlier this year. What does the student loan debt look like on a national scale? There is $1.3 Trillion, with 44 million borrowers, who have an average debt of $40K each and the default rate is over […]
Have you ever called customer service and heard the welcome greeting that says something like “…this call may be recorded for quality assurance”, or “…this call may be recorded for security purposes…”? This is not truthful, your call is being recorded for purposes other than “quality assurance” or “your security”. The recording serves only to […]
What if the government passed a law requiring everyone to wear blue uniforms in the same style, and you had to buy the uniform from the government, or a single business designated by the government, and no one was permitted to sell any uniforms in competition with the government? What if the government could tell […]
Titles to real estate are the mark of a feudal economic system. In other words, if we rely on titles to land to identify ownership, then we can never own the land because it is truly owned by the tax collector and other lien holders. We are moving more deeply into a society where the […]
What will you do when the lights go out and the water stops running? This is my opinion of course, that the lights will go out, I think it is inevitable given the situation our government has created, but let’s not be concerned with the cause. Why should we not just be prepared to adapt […]
The reason why at least I’m an advocate of Bitcoin is because it’s a gateway to privacy without trying to bargain with our legislators. The terms “laundering” and “smuggling” are misnomers and only used to promote drama in the subject. These activities are illegal but what’s interesting is that the “system” from which we want […]
As many of you probably know by now, one of the most violent times in American history, and the period of time that helped to create the modern day mafia (organized crime), was created because of “Prohibition”, the law against the manufacture and sale of alcohol and fuel. The oil companies, bankers and government were […]
Protesting in the street is for fools. You are only fighting with your own police at public expense and you really don’t accomplish anything, nothing substantial anyway. Evidence of this is that people still protest, why are we still protesting at this time in history? Because it doesn’t solve our problems. What will solve our […]
A friend of mine called me on the morning of the World Trade Center bombing, while it was taking place and told me to turn on the television to see what was happening. I saw the first tower on fire. A few minutes later I watched a second airliner fly into the other tower and […]
One of the most important and recent innovations that millionaires will consider using for investment and entrepreneurial ventures is without question, Bitcoin. You’ve probably heard many explanations of what “Bitcoin” is, and I’m sure it’s all of those things and more; but I wanted to add some commentary from the perspective of entrepreneurs to the […]
Let’s begin with your home. Here is a list of changes you can make that will immediately reduce the load of your power consumption. You can do one or more and see dramatic results. Reduce the Load Install a Radiant Barrier System in the Attic Replace lighting with LED Lighting for all fixtures Add / […]
Bitcoin is not subject to taxation by the IRS any more than it can tax any other foreign currency, or collect taxes from the sand on Mars, for that matter. Bitcoin is a “stateless” currency, however you want to classify it. As of November 2016, the Inspector General for the IRS is recommending that the […]